Harptree Dental Surgery Bristol Road West Harptree BRISTOL BS40 6HF Tel:01761 221869
Harptree Dental SurgeryBristol RoadWest HarptreeBRISTOLBS40 6HFTel:01761 221869


 Please contact us with any requests or questions.

About Us

Kirsty Jones. BDS (Bris). DPDS. Dentist

GDC No. 67200

Lisa Somerfield. BDS (Birm). DPDS. Dentist.

GDC No. 79919

Hannah Deacon-Church. Dental Hygienist and Therapist (Birmingham 2011).

GDC No. 210702

Lynne Freewin. Dental Hygienist and Therapist.

(Bristol 2010)

GDC No. 189201

Leslie Crews. Receptionist and Nurse GDC No. 153314.

Philippa Guppy. Receptionist and Nurse. GDC No. 149868

Sarah Hocking. Dental nurse. GDC No. 213035

Grace Cook. Receptionist and Trainee Dental Nurse.

Sarah Bull. Receptionist.

Emma Shortland. Receptionist


Julie Wright. Dental Nurse and Receptionist. GDC No. 279006

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© Lisa Somerfield,Kirsty Jones 2014